Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Behavioral Patterns and Projective Test

Personality depicts the unique thinking that defines the character of a certain individual. In order to understand the means of a certain individual’s personality, psychologists constructed a lot of different personality measurement. The most common measurement is done through the means of examination. Test or personality test is the most common conducted personality scale; this is where a certain individual is provided questions regarding his/her mood, personality itself, and other personal characteristics.One example of the measurements created by certain psychologist is the Big Five Personality Measurement. The structure of this personality measurement is said to be constructed on a hierarchical model of an individual’s personality traits. This measurement is structured with 5 and 10-itemed inventories which are to be evaluated. This is a short-time personality test and is used when there are situations which need a short-time-consuming personality measurement (Gosli ng, 2003). Another measurement is the Mood Survey which is the measurement used for measuring a certain individual’s sad and/or happy mood.This includes a questionnaire about mood, a personality scale instrument to determine whether sad or happy mood and the conducted mood surveys (Bill Underwood, 1980). The Mood survey is explained having two particular subscales namely the Level and Reactivity. These said factors or subscales are interrelated essentially that has an unchanging advantage on a certain state of mood scale. This is effective both in depicting a certain person’s personality characteristics and figuring out new idea about the origin and causes of mood and mood change (Bill Underwood, 1980).These two measurements are tested and were already used by psychologists in order to explain or define a certain individual’s personality so as to its origin, factors, and or reasons of change. References Bill Underwood, W. J. F. (1980). The Mood Survey: A Persona lity Measure of Happy and Sad Moods. Journal of Personality Assessment, 44(4), 404-414. Gosling, S. D. , Rentfrow, P. J. , & Swann, W. B. , Jr. (2003). A Very Brief Measure of the Big Five Personality Domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 504-528.

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